Buy or sell an apartment in Paris 18
The 18th arrondissement of Paris is one of the most eclectic district of Paris. It is composed of very posh places (Avenue Junot, Quartier des Abbesses) and popular ones (Goutte d’Or, La Chapelle Quarter, Porte de Clignancourt).
Immopolis perfectly knows Paris 18 because we have 5 real estate agencies there. Our historical agency located at Ravignan street covers the Abbesses district, another one located place Marcel Ayme is specialized in luxury apartments of the Avenue Junot district. Our agency of Caulaincourt street is focused on the properties of Lamarck-Caulaincourt quarter while the one of the rue Ramey is covering the neighborhood of Ramey / rue Clignancourt to the Jules Joffrin City Hall. Finally, our agency situated avenue de St-Ouen is specialized in apartments of Brochant / Guy Moquet neighborhood but also those of Les Grandes Carrières area.
Do not hesitate to consult the list of our agencies if you want to buy a property or sell your apartment in Paris 18. We know how to accurately estimate the properties of this neighborhood and to support you throughout your project.